Friday, February 2, 2018

Romeo and Juliet

Hello Everyone!
I have emailed you the PowerPoint notes for Romeo and Juliet.  You will be able to  use your notebook on quizzes and open responses, so please do copy them down.

The Play!
On Wednesday, 2/4, we will be viewing the play in the auditorium. Follow these directions, please:
  1. Leave your backpack and PHONE in your locker before advisory.
  2. Go directly from advisory to the auditorium.  
  3. Enter from the LEFT door by the chorus room.
  4. Sit down front.  Fill in ALL seats, row by row.
  5. Be a polite audience by showing theater decorum.

THEATER DECORUM: Listen quietly.  Do not talk during the performance.  Clap politely when the play is over.
Remember that viewing a play is VERY DIFFERENT than attending a sporting event.  The people on the stage have memorized lines and blocking, and can hear you. Be respectful of their effort and performance. Rudeness or immature behavior will not be tolerated.

Speaking of which, the 8th grade will also be attending.  Please show them that what high school looks like by behaving in a mature, respectful manner. You have all come so far this year.  Keep up the great work!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Siren Song

 The Siren Song begins with seduction and ends with destruction.  It is a song that lures in victims, though they can plainly see the danger on the rocks below them. What does it take to lure people toward their own destruction?  Margaret Atwood's poem, Siren Song, explores that idea, and can be found in your textbook.

There are many modern references to the Odyssey, and in particular, the sirens' song. In the movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou, the main characters run into sirens in an unexpected place. You can see a clip by following the link below.

O Brother, Where Art Thou

Even the dictionary defines siren's song as: " alluring utterance or appeal; especially : one that is seductive or deceptive "

Siren songs are everywhere - in the advertisements we see and hear, and in the words of those who want something from us. We have even been known to sing ourselves a siren song now and then. 

As you write your siren song, use seduction and think of what is convincing.  Make sure it is not a narrative, but rather a direct appeal to a "victim".  Take on the voice of someone or something, and do not forget to end with a line that indicates destruction.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Book 10: The Grace of the Witch

Bravo!  Nice work on your enacted renditions of the text! I can see that you were able to use your close reading skills to select relevant passages from the epic poem.  Your tests were MUCH better overall!  Well done!


HW due Friday, November 17:  Please read the Book 11 summary on page 928.  In bullets, write down all of the action in sequence.  There may be a quiz tomorrow. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Grading Policies for Quarter 2

You did it!
You made it through your first quarter! 
Now that you understand high school expectations, my grading policy is adjusting to high school standards.

Here are the changes, starting November 3, 2017:

Quarter 1:  Participation counted 25%, Quizzes were 25 %, and tests were 50%.
Quarter 2:  Participation counts 10%, Quizzes are 30 %, and tests are 60%.

Quarter 1:  I dropped your lowest quiz score.
Quarter 2: You will be expected to use your time well to prepare for all quizzes, so no scores will be   dropped. Your homework, classwork, collaborative learning all prepare you for summative assessments.  Participate well, and you will learn.

Freshmen Quarter 1 Blues?

So, You Have a Poor Grade in English...
What’s next?
As a freshman, you have taken Term One to learn all of the expectations of all of the teachers in all of your classes.  You have probably taken part in extra-curricular activities, learned to balance your home obligations and navigated a changing social life.
That’s a lot of time and energy!
Some of you have not managed your academic expectations well, and may have received a poor grade in English.   There is hope, if you plan and decide to improve your grades.

Grade Rehabilitation Plan:
1.        Have you been deluding yourself into thinking that “Read and Take Notes” means “No Homework in Clifford’s Class”?  Think again.  The best thing you can do for yourself is review the works read in class at home.  There are fewer distractions, and you will understand the themes better if you give yourself a second chance! Use these next four years to develop a solid working vocabulary. Look up words that you do not know.

2.       Have you been using and checking your agenda?  Do you write due dates in your agenda accurately and faithfully?  Planning ahead will save you from panicking, or worse, giving up, later.

3.       “I don’t get it” is not an excuse for giving up.  Please come see me when you are confused.  Not only am I willing and eager to help you, but it is a great chance for me to get to know you and your learning style better!

4.       Decide that being a student matters to you.  Set aside a time and place for your studies at home.  Do not simply rely on a learning center – Remember the “fire drill” phenomenon!  (As a high school student, whenever I relied on a learning center for important assignments, there would invariably be fire drill that period!)

5.       Are you attentive in class?  Do you think that having friends in class is an excuse for your behavior?  This is a popular fallacy.  The truth is that you will always have friends wherever you go.  But you, and only you, are responsible for your grades.  College admissions officers will not overlook a poor performance because you were distracted.  Self-discipline is a crucial character trait. 

Please know that I am here to help you succeed.  You can do this! I will always correct you when needed, and I will celebrate your success.  I can be reached at

Monday, October 30, 2017

Quiz on Book 9, The Odyssey

On Wednesday, 11/1/2017, you will be taking a quiz on Book 9 of The Odyssey, which is entitled, "New Coasts and Poseidon's Son"  As you review, ask yourself, what does the title mean? Who is Poseidon's son?  Why is this significant for Odysseus and his crew?
Be mindful when you are reading.  See if you can explain the story to someone else accurately.  If you have been doing the coursework diligently, you will find that you have actually been studying for the quiz!
There will be Words to Know, multiple choice, short answer, and an open response question.
Good luck!