Thursday, November 9, 2017

Freshmen Quarter 1 Blues?

So, You Have a Poor Grade in English...
What’s next?
As a freshman, you have taken Term One to learn all of the expectations of all of the teachers in all of your classes.  You have probably taken part in extra-curricular activities, learned to balance your home obligations and navigated a changing social life.
That’s a lot of time and energy!
Some of you have not managed your academic expectations well, and may have received a poor grade in English.   There is hope, if you plan and decide to improve your grades.

Grade Rehabilitation Plan:
1.        Have you been deluding yourself into thinking that “Read and Take Notes” means “No Homework in Clifford’s Class”?  Think again.  The best thing you can do for yourself is review the works read in class at home.  There are fewer distractions, and you will understand the themes better if you give yourself a second chance! Use these next four years to develop a solid working vocabulary. Look up words that you do not know.

2.       Have you been using and checking your agenda?  Do you write due dates in your agenda accurately and faithfully?  Planning ahead will save you from panicking, or worse, giving up, later.

3.       “I don’t get it” is not an excuse for giving up.  Please come see me when you are confused.  Not only am I willing and eager to help you, but it is a great chance for me to get to know you and your learning style better!

4.       Decide that being a student matters to you.  Set aside a time and place for your studies at home.  Do not simply rely on a learning center – Remember the “fire drill” phenomenon!  (As a high school student, whenever I relied on a learning center for important assignments, there would invariably be fire drill that period!)

5.       Are you attentive in class?  Do you think that having friends in class is an excuse for your behavior?  This is a popular fallacy.  The truth is that you will always have friends wherever you go.  But you, and only you, are responsible for your grades.  College admissions officers will not overlook a poor performance because you were distracted.  Self-discipline is a crucial character trait. 

Please know that I am here to help you succeed.  You can do this! I will always correct you when needed, and I will celebrate your success.  I can be reached at

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