Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lessons Around the World

This week, you will spend 3 days in the library preparing lessons to teach the class about your topic.
Be creative, thoughtful, and thorough in your planning. Lessons will be taught on Friday, October 13, 2017.
Here are the requirements:

Teach Us a Lesson- Current Events, UpFront Magazine

Please compare your lesson to this rubric BEFORE the due date.  Look at what is required, and make adjustments as necessary.

 All worksheets and planning materials are handed in, and well prepared for all group members. 

 Your presentation included an inquiry about what your students already knew about your topic 

 Your lesson contained:
 a clearly stated big idea,
important background information,
and clearly connected details from the text 

 Your activity was well organized, and helped students understand your lesson. 

 You assessed what students took away from your lesson with a wrap up activity. 

 You all turned in your reflection sheets.

I am really looking forward to learning from you!  I can see that you are working hard on this project! Keep up the great work!

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